Devotional – 29 ‘Yosef returns to Israel’

Chapter – 29 ‘Yosef returns to Israel’


The evening prior to Yosef leaving America, he asked his sister to take a ride with him, to visit Grandpa Jesse for a few moments. He had some questions he needed answered.

Two hours later he was giving Jesse a hug and telling him if they never were together again, here on earth, they could rejoice in heaven where they would meet one day. He had a few of his questions answered; the most important was that grandpa was a committed Christian. They asked a few questions about the inheritance they had received and he said, “Be wise in how you spend it but it’s yours to spend.” He had asked if their mates knew that they were financially well off and both replied, No.” He laughed and then said, “That is ok but if you are ever asked where you get your spending money, make sure you are truthful. Having money is not a sin but telling a lie, even a small one isn’t good.”

As they returned to their parents’ home Yosef asked, “Are you and Jaye ok with your income? I mean, does a farmer make enough income for the needs you will have when you have a family?” Rebekah laughed and then told Yosef that Jaye’s grandpa was an extremely wealthy farmer and it seemed like she would not need to use her inheritance for living expenses. She added, “I have been thinking of using all of the interest that I earn and providing donations to worthy causes, maybe even the CENTER in Tel Aviv.” He told her that he would take care of the CENTER and that he was going on staff in an executive position when Leah and he returned.


 It was a warm day as the plane landed in Tel Aviv. Leah commented, “It was a wonderful time being with your family. I hope we can do it again but it is back to work for me in two days.” Yosef loved his family but the feeling from within told him that he was at the right place to serve, at least at the moment. Who knew what tomorrow might bring?

Less than five minutes later there was an explosion just ahead as they rounded a turn. The bus they were on screeched to a halt to avoid debris on the road. Several people were running toward them and screaming. As the crowd cleared away Yosef could see four people on the ground. He ran lickety-split toward the scene to see if he could help.

He quickly recognized one of those hurt as a frequent guest at the CENTER. There were three others that he did not recognize. Moments later the police arrived and started asking questions. He pointed toward the bus he was on and told the officer what he knew. The police remarked, “There will probably be a newscast later with someone taking credit for this.” He shook his head and walked toward a coworker who was helping the four into an ambulance.

Once at the apartment Yosef made a few phone calls to the CENTER. He was checking on the name of the person he had recognized. He wanted to visit the family if there was a record of them in their database. An hour later nothing had been found.

He commented to Leah, “I don’t even remember the fellows name; I met him at the activities but mainly just saw him talking with a group.” Leah replied, “I think his name was Kadar and didn’t you tell me once that Israel will never have true peace until Christ actually becomes the King of kings and rules the world?” Yosef responded, “You’re right, Kadar is in a hospital bed tonight, like many others, who are victims of evil and hate.”

As they laid their heads on pillows that evening a feeling of harsh reality hit Yosef. He thought, “You don’t have to be in a war zone for danger to creep up on you. Lord Jesus, when will you return to Mt. Zion and become ruler of a peaceful earth?”


What a question? “What time is it on your heavenly clock, Lord Jesus?”

Is it the 11th hour yet? Maybe 11:59?


Matthew 24:             The words tribulation and woe are words used to describe events

  • The world today is primed and ready for TRIBULATION.

Ezekiel 37:                The dry bones of Israel come to life

  • 1948 it became a Nation again

Zachariah 12:           Jerusalem will be burdensome to the other Middle East Nations

  • All Arabian countries want the people of Israel totally annihilated, don’t they

Daniel 12:                 Knowledge and Travel will greatly increase at the end of time

  • Technology, space travel, etc… compare it to 1776 & Geo. Washington


What else?

When that last person or follower of Christ is finally saved OR born again, which will one day come; that is when the Lord will descend from heaven with a shout and his angels with him; then they will defeat the foe, which is antichrist, false prophet, and the evil one, Satan.

Something to look forward to..??