Devotional – 51 ‘The unexpected Happens’

Chapter – 51 ‘The unexpected Happens’


Valentine was just hanging up the phone as Rebekah walked in the back door. She had just met with Sophia and Jana for lunch and was excited to tell Jaye what had transpired. On the other hand, Valentine had just spoken with his former mother-in-law and there was some good news to share about Mar’yam.

Just as Rebekah was about to speak Valentine said, “Mar’yam has been dating Ben’s son; she likes him but is fearful what he might think if she tells him about Rach’ being his child and then being murdered.” Rebekah asked, “Where did she meet him?” Valentine told her what he knew about her new work location and how Rex had told her about wanting to date her when they were in school. I think it was kind of like one thing led to another in their conversations.

Valentine asked, “How was your day with your new lady friends?” She told him they had a great time; “Ella’s mom is a Christian!” She told us that there have been some struggles with understanding why her husband had to die and leave the children fatherless but is finally ready to move on. Valentine commented, “I know the feeling; I was so depressed and just couldn’t kick it until your brother had just a few words to help me see some daylight.”

“When does Jana start her new job,” Valentine asked? She told us the President of the Fayette extension was retiring in May so she will have two weeks with him and then she will be busy as the President. “She wants to help Sophia and me with the girls on Sunday mornings.”


Half way around the world in Tel Aviv Leah was in the bathroom feeling sick. This feeling of nausea had started three days earlier and if she didn’t get feeling better she would have to see the doctor. Yosef was just about to leave for the CENTER when he heard her ‘wretch’ and he walked toward their bathroom. “What’s up Hon,” he asked? “Are you ill?” She told him she felt ok but the last three mornings she had this funny feeling, which lasted for about an hour. He did not respond but his mind took a summersault with a thought.


Pastor Caleb had just been wracked over the coals by the lady he thought he loved; she told him to move back to the city or they were through. One of the sentences had especially hurt; she had told him that if he wanted to be a country bunkin’ preacher boy he would need to find a country bunkin’ girl; then she ended the conversation with, “I think we are done talking; I’m moving on.” She hung up on him.

He was sitting at his desk when the Pastor knocked on the door. They talked for half an hour with the Pastor trying his best to cheer him up. Pastor finally commented, “Maybe the Lord has someone else in mind for you, so don’t get ahead of HIS plan.” Caleb responded, “Maybe so; it seems like the girl I thought was to die-for, really wasn’t.”

The next day Rebekah was meeting with Sophia and covering an outline for the next Sunday. She wanted Sophia to cut into the lecture with a couple of questions at the appropriate time to get a point across. It would be a great lesson for the girls; something each of them needed to know, just in case pressure was ever put on them from a boy. As Rebekah was saying “Thanks”, there was a knock. Caleb asked if she had time to think about the next youth weekend retreat. Caleb wasn’t expecting to see another person; so he commented, “Sorry I didn’t know you were counseling.” Sophia’s mouth dropped an inch and Rebekah laughed. She commented, “Caleb, this is my new youth assistant, meet Sophia. She left the city to come home and help her mom and is also helping me.” Caleb stepped forward and reached his hand forward and spoke, “So pleased to meet you, thanks for helping and thanks for watching out for your mother; it seems like most people don’t do that much anymore.”

Sophia stood and reached for his hand and firmly shook it. “Wow,” he thought. “As tall as me and looks like a NYC model.” He felt like his tongue was going to fail him but he finally blurted; “Hope to see you often. Nice meeting you.”

When he closed the door and left, Rebekah commented, “A great young preacher and he needs a good wife.” Sophia let that statement go; then told her she needed to get home to her mother. She needed to take a few pills and it was almost time.

Sophia sat in her car a few minutes before starting it. The young preacher had to be about her age and he was kind of cute, she had to admit. Was living in the big city what she really wanted or was it time to step back and take a good look at what life was really all about? She didn’t budge for several minutes as she was in thought. Looking through the window of the church Rebekah was wondering why Sophia was still sitting in her car.

Comment – We have an x-mother-in-law who has feelings for a guy she had feelings for thirty years earlier. We have two ladies who want to be of service to the Lord. We also have a lady who more than likely is pregnant and don’t have a clue. Then we have a youth pastor who is being dumped by a girlfriend who doesn’t deserve him. So, do they follow Gods leading or do they try figuring stuff on their own and maybe missing a blessing?


Scripture reference


Isaiah 30:18.                               “And therefore will the LORD wait, that he may be gracious unto you, and therefore will he be exalted, that he may have mercy upon you: for the LORD is a God of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for him.” [If you wait; you get HIS best; many fail at getting HIS best.]

2 Corinthians 6:14.        Spiritually speaking, do not be bound together with an unbelieving wife. [You can be friends with anyone but when it comes to a spiritual belief or marriage; be equal.]

Proverbs 31:10-12.                      An excellent wife, who can find one? etc.. [Caleb needs an exceptional wife to support him in his ministry; not a distraction. Rex needs an excellent wife; he has a fourteen year old daughter who needs the advice of a good mother. Mar’yam needs a daughter to love and support.]